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“Best Tips for Breaking Your Fast”

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Tisha B’av is upon us and what does that mean for us? Fast time. Most of us focus on what and how much to eat before the fast, but, it’s also very important to focus on what should be eaten when the fast comes to an end. Most of us are so blinded by hunger and we reach for the first edible thing we see, whether it be a piece of chocolate, a bagel, or a giant piece of cake.

All the experts agree that “breaking the fast” is the most critical phase of fasting. While your body is in a resting mode, your stomach shrinks and becomes idle. So, solid food must be re-introduced very slowly to avoid a stomach ache.

keep it healthy

“Eat Fresh Fruit”

When it comes to breaking the fast, think about foods that are rich in water, for example watermelon and other easily digestible fruit with a high water content—such as grapes and honeydew. While these foods many not seem the most “filling”, they are the perfect way to break a long fast. They quickly provide the body with energy and essential nutrients, so you can get that semi-normal feeling back.  Please though do yourself a favor and avoid citrus fruits, as their high acidic content will upset your stomach.

fruity delicous

“Vegetable soup”

After indulging in a few slices of fruit, it can be a great idea to have some fresh soup. Soups are easy on the stomach (as we know when we’re sick) as well as easy to digest. The vegetables will also help load your body with essential vitamins such as, vitamin A through E, in addition to many essential minerals.

soup-not just for winter

“Try Some Raw Vegetables”

Raw vegetables are great sources of vitamins, minerals and other good nutrients. They are naturally higher in antioxidants. If that doesn’t appeal to you, you can also drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, like carrot juice, which can be a great way to break your fast.

love the color

Beth Zuckerman
Beth Zuckerman
Beth is a former Upper Westsider, who made aliyah 8 years ago. She is a coffee addict and a lover of classical rock. Beth is the content and marketing manager at talknsave, in that order.

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